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Lactation 资源

Proactive planning can help you to continue breastfeeding after your parental leave has come to an end. 

Planning to Breastfeed

  • 美国.S. Department of Health and Human 服务’ Office on Women’s Health provides a variety of detailed information on breastfeeding such as making the decision to breastfeed, breastfeeding challenges, and breastfeeding considerations at home, at work, and in public.
  • Contact your health insurance provider to inquire about obtaining a breast pump and/or lactation consultant services. If you are covered under a 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College's health insurance plan please contact:
    • Uniform Medical (Regence BlueShield): 888-849-3681
  • Plan for sufficient leave time, particularly after the baby arrives, to allow you more time to initiate breastfeeding. Read more about leaves of absence per union contract or appropriate leave procedure.

Getting Ready to Return to Work

  • Speak with your supervisor about expectations for when you return to work. If applicable, consider flexible scheduling options.
  • Identify a lactation space, such as a designated lactation room on campus or private office, where you will be able to pump breast milk during the 工作日.
  • Create your lactation plan for your return to work.

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  • If using an alternate space than a designated lactation room, print out this privacy sign to hang on the door.
  • Seek out other breastfeeding parents, perhaps co-workers or a local support group, to share experiences and tips that may be helpful as you work to maintain your breastfeeding 目标.


Break Time for Nursing Mothers, U.S. Department of Labor
Know Your Rights: Breastfeeding,
Pregnancy Health Guide, Drugwatch